James 'Jimi' Holt

Solar PV providing light and power to Los Angeles; Santa Monica Pier and Venice Beach Graffiti Art Walls

Solar PV lighting system with Battery Back-up, Venice Beach, CA

If you’re paying attention to the skyline then you’ve seen solar pv arrays being used to provide clean, renewable energy popping up everywhere.  Many homeowners and business owners have made the switch from fossil fuels to solar power, but even the smallest of energy users (see photo left) are also making the move.

Solar Energy can be used anywhere on Earth the sun shines.  We use it to provide energy in remote locations where the ‘grid’ cannot reach as well as in ‘grid’ connected areas to help offset some of the utility company electrical demands.  A solar electric system in conjunction with battery back-up can produce clean, renewable energy throughout the day which can be distributed anytime, even during the utility companies peak charge times to save the most.  The solar lighting system installed at the Venice Beach Art Walls includes a battery back-up system at each light which allows the entire area to shine all night completely off the electrical grid.

Solar PV Array at Santa Monica Pier, California

Keep traveling a little farther north along the bike path and you’ll find the Santa Monica Pier.  Take a closer look (see pic below) and you’ll see a solar PV array helping push the roller coaster and ferris wheel along.  This solar system does not cover all the power required to run the Santa Monica Pier, however one of the many benefits of a solar system is it’s easily expandable.  As us about our proposal to take the Santa Monica Pier completely off the utility grid…

Feel free to email, or comment below should you have questions or opportunities to discuss.

Thanks for spreading the word,

Jimi Holt


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