Solar Covered Parking, Photovoltaic Rooftop System
Electricity from solar modules can be produced anywhere on the planet, as long as the sun shines on it. Solar modules are deployed around the globe today and being used in all different types of situations, locations, and for many purposes.

Solar Modules on side of building
One of the many benefits of solar energy is that the electricity that the system produces from the Sun is FREE. So if you’re already paying a monthly electric bill to the utility company, instead pay that same money to yourself and invest in a solar system.
Solar Modules were originally used to produce clean, renewable energy. Now they’re “multi-tasking” and are being asked to serve as vehicle shade structures, architectural building enhancements, overhead shelters, replacing building construction materials, to cover unsightly conditions, etc. Photovoltaic panels are popping up everywhere and we’re only at the beginning of the solar energy production revolution.

Clear Solar Photovoltaic Modules
When considering going solar and changing from brown, dirty energy to clean, green energy, make sure to review all of your options. Every site, building, facility has a unique location and situation. A professional solar developer like AirUs Energy considers all of this as well as the products available on the global solar market to provide custom design solar solutions.